Thursday, January 26, 2006

Home for real.

I have a job. I don't even know how it really happened. Regardless, after tomorrow I may not have it anymore if i decide to bail.

I have to concentrate on making money to save up for somewhere to live next year. I got my classes situated and it looks pretty good. I am really pleased with how it is going to turn out. I am glad I got the grades I did last semester, even though I need to really do it all over again this semester. I need to also concentrate on selling some old equipment I have so I can upgrade some of my shit. I really think it is time I get some nicer stuff to play through since things are getting a little more serious. And speaking of that, I should be working on some songs that I have been piecing together in my head. We record in March, maybe April.

So I hope this job thing pans out, even though I look like a waste of life in my "uniform."


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